Renovations Thessaly - Helmos Georgios - House Renovations Karditsa - Water Supply Contractors - Insulation - Thermal Insulation Thessaly - Meretia of All Types Thessaly - With Key in Hand - Save - Space Remodeling

Renovations Thessaly - Helmos Georgios - House Renovations Karditsa - Water Supply Contractors - Insulation - Thermal Insulation Thessaly - Meretia of All Types Thessaly - With Key in Hand - Save - Space Remodeling

24040 Visitors:
Address: Fanari
Area: Karditsa
Telephone: 6977184370,6981024438
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P.C.: 43064
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Kranis Georgiou's company "Kranis constructions" has been active in Karditsa since 2006 in the field of construction work. We undertake renovations in private and professional spaces, renovations of buildings, contractions, etc., handing over the project to the agreed time, observing all the modern specifications, with the key in hand. We serve directly and responsibly wherever we are asked in Thessaly. The goal of "Skull constructions" are the high quality and a...
24040 Visitors:

Fanari, Karditsa

24040 Visitors:

Kranis Georgiou's company "Kranis constructions" has been active in Karditsa since 2006 in the field of construction work.

We undertake renovations in private and professional spaces, renovations of buildings, contractions, etc., handing over the project to the agreed time, observing all the modern specifications, with the key in hand.

We serve directly and responsibly wherever we are asked in Thessaly.

The goal of "Skull constructions" are the high quality and aesthetic services with reliability and always at the predetermined time at the most competitive prices.

Our services:
you renovate all kinds of Karditsa, Thessaly
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renovations of Karditsa apartments, Thessaly
Repairs of old houses, Karditsa, Thessaly
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cardamom thermal insulation, Thessaly
landscaping of Karditsa, Thessaly
public works carditsa, Thessaly
works with the key in hand carditsa, Thessaly
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Karditsa constructions, Thessaly
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Contact us to make your wish come true.
Sincerely, Kranis Georgios


Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Restorations - Renovations of Old Houses
Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Building
Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Grading
Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Plastering
Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Buildings
Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Marble
Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Tiles
Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Oil paints
Renovations Thessaly - Kranis Georgios - Repairs of Houses Karditsa - Water Supply Contracts - Insulations - Thermal Insulations Thessaly - Meremetia All Press Type Thessaly - With the Key in Hand - Save - Land Reconstructions Insulations
24040 Visitors:


Telephone: 6977184370,6981024438

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